Electoral Register
Take your views with you when you move. When you move house, make sure you don't lose your right to vote. Unless you inform the local council that you've moved, you may not be able to vote in future elections. Moving to a new area? Make sure you take your views with you - register to vote at your new address www.aboutmyvote.co.uk
Remember to change all your utility services. IamMOVING.com is a free service that allows you to change your address details online, stopping services at your new address and starting them again at your property. www.IamMOVING.com
TV Licence. TV Licensing, Bristol, BS98 1TL.
TEL:0844 800 6722
WEB: www.tvlicensing.co.uk
It's easy to update your details online or call 0844 800 6722 and follow the instructions. You’ll be asked for your TV Licence number and new address. It only takes a minute or two to transfer your licence, and then you’ll be licensed to watch TV in your new home.
DVLA. If you have changed address, you must tell DVLA to update both your: Driving Licence
Vehicle Registration Certificate
British Gas. Homemovers Advice line 0845 555 408
Petlog.If your dog is microchipped, then phone Petlog on 0870 6066751
Council Tax Info
Change your details for the National Blood Service
WEB: National Blood Service
If you cannot find your town have a look at the towns and cities that we have help people move house in recently.Moving house in the UK