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Moving House Guides on how prepare for a removal quote Help moving house by Helpiammoving.com

Moving House Guide - Part 4 of 6

Include Everything.

Don't forget the garage or the things outside, some plant pots/troughs can be extremely heavy, but again if you point these out they will be all taken into account. Any flammable substances like old tins of paint, creosote, paraffin, matches, gas bottles and similar things will not be allowed to go on the van as this will invalidate any insurance cover.

Anything that you are planning to dispose of, try and do so before any representatives visit. They are often told that items aren't to go and that they will be thrown out. When moving day arrives for all sorts of reasons items suddenly have to go. Because of this when you say "oh! these wardrobes aren't going" they will assume they will be and therefore will calculate these into your quotation.

If however you suddenly wanted any unwanted items e.g. if you couldn't sell or just changed your mind then you must let the removal company know. This will allow them to work out whether they will need a larger vehicle and needs to be done before the van arrives and the porters cannot fit everything on. The van and staff (porters) assigned to your move is calculated on the basis of what the representative has been shown or what you have stated on an inventory form.

You wouldn't want to end up with a van not large enough for all your belongings.

Never assume either a representative preparing a quote or the porters on moving day will automatically know what is to go and what is not, even if a bag looks like rubbish they will take it into account as the old saying goes one mans rubbish is another mans treasure. A removal company or porter would never presume that something is rubbish, after many years you see and move all manner of things.

If you go to the 'Advice on moving' page there is a section called Clutter this will give you advice on what to do with all the extra furniture and bits and bobs that you find you may have.


If you cannot find your town have a look at the towns and cities that we have help people move house in recently.Moving house in the UK

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